LAB-O is a knowledge circle for teachers and researchers working on Physical Awareness.
It is a learning network and research space where you can find and share information and practice with each other.
We contribute to the development of confident and resilient artists of the future.
“So often, I think back to what we did in Physical Awareness classes. Especially now as I am a Teaching Artist myself. I can use the exercises in every context.”
Alum. master Zang
Physical Artistic Awareness: The body is the main carrier of the artistic message in the presence of the viewer. It is an instrument. Knowing it and caring for it is indispensable to building a sustainable career and touching your audience.
More than a physical prevention training, Physical Artistic Awareness is a total approach. It connects the mental, the physical and the artistic body. It teaches you to look at it, listen to it and act on it.
Knowledge sharing
Sharing knowledge with each other: LAB-O is for alumni of Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp, Teaching Artists, researchers, the professional field, and anyone interested in getting to know their own unique body (instrument) better and to start using it more consciously within an artistic discipline and thus build a sustainable career.
Grown from experience and research
The subject of Physical Artistic Awareness has been developed by Magda Thielemans since 1987 at the Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp / AP University of Applied Sciences, in response to her intention to make the artistic practice of aspiring artists more sustainable – starting with the instrument from which everything arises: the body of the artist.
Three-year artistic research within CORPoREAL forms the basis for this learning environment and network.
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